What’s happening in the market
Welcome to 2018! We hope you all managed to squeeze in a break, however short, over the Christmas and New Year holidays. We wish you a prosperous year ahead and hope it will present fewer challenges than in 2017.
Strong demand over December and little change in China production has seen the prices of all knockdown products remain stable or experience slight increases.
It’s most likely the biggest price increase through February and March will be 2,4-D, with small increases in triclopyr. Glyphosate prices should remain stable provided there are no further widespread rains.
Preparing for the upcoming season, we now have our eyes firmly on the sowing market.
This year, you will see large price increases in simazine, atrazine and metribuzin. Trifluralin and triallate prices will remain stable in comparison to last year. As more suppliers enter the market, the price of prosulfocarb has fallen. It’s going to be interesting to see how usage of Group J and K herbicides change as the price of prosulfocarb falls over time, which is ultimately excellent news for rye grass control.
An update from the chemical factories overseas is that following a frantic six months, a period of stability has followed. As a result, we believe most of the major price increases are now locked in. Some chemicals such as flutriafol and imidacloprid may still be difficult to get at sowing so act now to secure what you need.
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